Saturday, January 31, 2009

Movie Review - Taken

In "Taken" Liam Neeson stars as a retired government operative who comes out of retirement to rescue his kidnapped daughter. Let me just say that Liam Neeson is a bad man. It shouldn't have surprised me because after all he played a Jedi in "Star Wars", he trained Batman in "Batman Begins", and he was in the cult classic "Darkman." But this movie takes it to a whole notha level. In "Taken" Liam's character is on par with Jason Bourne or Jack Bauer. I'm telling you he is a bad man.

The movie is good but not great. The action is intense, but the plot is pretty predictable. If you are looking for a good action flick on a cold day go see "Taken"...but go at a matinee price. I give it one thumb up. It's rated PG-13 for intense action, a brief scene with a girl in a nightie, and some drug references...but mostly for the violence.

Rob's Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD. One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin. Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it. Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD.


  1. lets not forget him in love actually. i think that was his best roll ever.

  2. the plot of Taken is refreshingly simple: "Liam Neeson is gonna beat down some people till he gets his daughter back..."

  3. coffee, very true...very true.

    Court, that wasn't an action movie. It's movies like love actually that make it hard to believe he could kick some booty.


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