Saturday, January 10, 2009

Advice - updated

So this week I asked for some advice. Read the blog here. If you haven't read the comments on this blog yet make sure you do. Some are funny and some were really helpful in my decision.

I went with John's advice and I mentioned the other wedding to the couple. I told them that each staff member at Waters Edge does the same premarital counseling. The ceremony is pretty similar as well. The couple couldn't have been cooler. They are very laid back and they said they understood completely. They said if one of the other staff members can do the wedding they wouldn't have a problem with it.

I checked with one of the staff members before the session with the couple. He went out of town and didn't get a chance to get back with me. If he can do it then I'll go to my friends wedding. If not then I will happily do their wedding.


  1. see Rob, now aren't you glad you asked? I am glad they are cool with it!

  2. Hey Ron thanks for the honour - great decision & top post.


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