Saturday, January 3, 2009

Charmin saves the day - Rob and Monica's trip to NY

I hate public bathrooms. I'm thankful for them but I hate them. First off it's just weird going to the bathroom with strangers right next to you. Second it's gross. If I ever have to squat it's always a hover for me. I try not to touch anything. Third I don't understand why the makers of public restrooms couldn't spend the money to make a door the goes all the way to the floor and that doesn't have a gap on the side. It's embarrassing that everyone can see your feet. To make matters worse if someone does walk by they can sneak a peak through the gap between the door and the frame. It's just awkward.

Well in New York I ate something that didn't agree with me. My night was almost ruined. I told Monica that I was going to have to call it a night because I just wasn't feeling well. But then like an angel from Heaven we saw Charmin World. It's like a mini amusement park dedicated to Charmin. It has its own theme song with dance moves, and a dance floor where you can learn the dance moves. It has a MC who interacts with the crowd. It has a play area for the kids. They take your picture and you can purchase it just like at a theme park. You wait in line like you would wait for a ride at a theme park...but the payoff is a bathroom. They have 20 toilets. Each toilet is like a mini bathroom at your home. The door closes, there is a sink, and three different types of Charmin to test out. After each person goes an employee cleans the bathroom. There is even a number 1 and number 2 room for emergencies only. If it's really bad you can skip the line and go straight to number 1 or number 2. This place was wicked awesome.

The pictures don't quite do it justice, so I found a video on YouTube. The Charmin part of the video starts at about 18 seconds in. It's worth the view. Check it out.


  1. i love the unique & random places like this in big cities! that's simply amazing. i wanna go there. did you go to the Nintendo World Store?? Now THAT place was phenomenal. Old school systems & "artifacts" in glass cases from Nintendo's history... and crazy fun memorabilia everywhere... just wow!

  2. Rob I am STUNNED!

    New York must be an amazing place - we will get there one day - I think we will hire you & Monica as our tour guides! You are fortunate to live so close

    And Charmin ... we need these guys to start franchising into the turd, sorry third world for missions trips!!

  3. Jake, I didn't know Nintendo world existed. I wish I did. I would have been there.

    John, we are for hire and we are cheap.

  4. If I were to say "that's awesome" it somehow wouldn't do it justice. So I'll just say "that's _______". Also thanks for the shelfari widget. It was fun making it.


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