Friday, January 30, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

In America the Super Bowl is a HUGE deal. Did you know that Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest at home party day of the year? It's true. Statistics say it's bigger than New Years Eve. Close behind Thanksgiving Americans consume more food on this day than any other day. According to one site I found 7-11 claims that they sell 20% of their total sale of antacid on the Monday after the Super Bowl. It's such a big deal churches cancel or move services. For example Waters Edge 6:00 PM service is moving to 3:00 PM so people can watch the game...or at least the commercials. There is even an online petition to make the Monday after the Super Bowl a holiday. I would be in favor of this!

This day is so BIG it deserves 3 questions from Rob...
  1. Where are you going to watch the Super Bowl?
  2. What do you like more the game or commercials?
  3. Who is going to win?


  1. 1. with friends wielding towels
    2. game, although the 1 second commercials intrigue me
    3. Steelers

  2. 1. With my family.
    2. Game
    3. Steeler, but I'm cheering for the Cardinals because the Steelers beat the Redskins really bad. Boooo STEELERS!!!

  3. PS...I would also like to sign whatever petition that I can to give us the day after the Super Bowl off.

  4. 1. Friends
    2. Game
    3. Cardinals. Go Warner.

  5. 1. Friends. This is like the 29th straight year of being at the Hornsby house (I often exaggerate).

    2. Game and Commercials....whatever I can hear. Not really stoked about the half time show.

    3. Steelers b/c my mom's family is from Pittsburgh; Cardinals b/c they've never won and I like what I hear about Warner.

  6. at my house w/ fam and friends!
    the game, come on
    and Steelers all the way!!!

  7. 1.Family & friends
    3.Probably Steelers but I'd love to see Arizona win because I like Kurt Warner.

  8. 1. if we don't have a super bowl party for our staff guys @ church on big screen (it's on Monday Morning here) it'll be at home Monday Nite our time

    2. game

    3. whichever team has the Aussie kicker, Ben Graham - he used to be an Aussie Rules football champion

  9. This may not make me very sportsmanlike, but I have a right to my own opinion and I have never liked watching sports;
    1. I will be home in another room watching anything but the superbowl
    2. neither
    3. Could care less

    My idea of a superbowl is a toilet that cleans itself.


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