Monday, January 19, 2009

Monica is sick :(

Monica, my wife, is sick. It started on Friday night. She had a massive headache for two days straight, congestion, a cough, aches and pains. She woke up on Sunday morning and she was not feeling any better. She called me while I was at church and said she was going to go to Med Express (It's a mini Dr.'s office and it is faster than the emergency room).

I called my parents and they graciously drove to pick Monica up and take her to the Dr. At the Dr. Monica had a 102 degree temperature and a sinus infection. She is now on a bunch of medication but she is still not feeling any better. I'm praying she feels better soon. I hate that she is sick.


  1. Poor Mon! I hope she feels better soon! I will pray for her!

  2. blah... seems like every other person is catching something this past week or so. good thing i'm invulnerable to sickness.

    (pretty sure i just jinxed myself.....)

  3. What a drag. Fever with sinus must be horrible. I'll pray for her.


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