Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Funny or Awful?

My wife, Monica, sent me this video the other day. Depending on how you feel about people falling, you will either think this video is ha-larious or awful. Watch the clip and decide for yourself.


  1. This just makes me feel uncomfortable watching it. At least they all have a wacky story to tell everyone. The best man certainly will not be able to show himself in their home ever.

  2. I thought it was really funny. I don't like falling clips where it seems like people get hurt. That was shocking... At first I didn't know how to react, then I laughed.

  3. I'm on the funny side. Glad no one was hurt, fell sorry for the bride. Definitely will never forget their wedding day.

  4. oh my gosh...oh no...oh wow! that was painfully funny...one of those things you cry when it happens and get angry and later laugh your head off cause its so funny! oh wow!

  5. I think it's funny and awful. It really is pretty funny, but thinking about how I would have felt if that happened to me is awful.

  6. it wouldnt have been funny if they didnt fall into a pool. that made it halarious

  7. Funny but awful!I didn't really laugh though. Just felt sorry for the bride. Can't imagine that happening.

  8. Totally staged....If it was real she would have destroyed that guy and then the video would have been longer.But it was funny (since it was fake)


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