Saturday, January 3, 2009

Toys of New York

I love toys!
For Christmas Monica and I gave each other a trip to New York City. I love New York because there are toys everywhere. Here are some pics of some of my favorite toys.
Pictured above: The Joker at Planet Hollywood.
Pictured below: The Batwing also at Planet Hollywood.
Pictured below: Superman at Toys R Us in Times Square.

Pictured below: Rob possing with the soldier at the classic toy store F.A.O. Schwarz.

Pictured below: Do you remember the movie Big? Here Rob is playing the piano with his feet.

Pictured below: The final three pictures are from the Lego section at F.A.O. Schwarz.


  1. you didn't bring any home with you? haha, the pics are pretty awesome!

  2. i'm skipping the "want" step, and going straight to "need".... i NEED that Lego Batman!!!!!


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