Thursday, September 30, 2010

5 Favorites: TV Edition

I've been told that I'm passionate about the things I love. The following is a list of 5 Favorites of mine.

5 Favorite TV Shows
  1. The Office
  2. Modern Family
  3. Chuck
  4. The Amazing Race
  5. PTI
I've given you 5 of my favorites now give me one of yours. What is your favorite current TV show?


  1. (This is my current TV favs)
    2.Modern Family (I roll watching this show)
    3.Lie to Me
    4.The Middle

  2. I would give you my list, but you don't already love me enough to love me after. Your 11th grade female students, however, would think i am awesome.

    i am a bit obsessed with Hoarders: Buried Alive though. it makes me clean.

  3. I don't watch T.V. like I did when I was younger. This is so weird to me. I used to watch several hours a day. Only in the past 3 to 4 years has my T.V. watching dramatically gone down. I do like watching Family Guy as it makes me laugh, and I need that.

  4. Grey's Anatomy is by far #1.

    I do like Lie to me, baby story & house hunters as well. Hoarders is a good show. (Sometimes I want to go thru those houses with a bulldozer)


  5. 1. Psych
    2. Big Bang Theory
    3. Supernatural
    4. Dexter
    5. Monday Night Football(that counts as a show right?)

  6. 1. Modern Family
    2. Vampire Diaries
    3. Chuck
    4. Glee
    5. Community

    I could probably even keep going but those are my top 5. After Thursday night TV I feel like my dvr will explode.

  7. 1. Community
    2. Glee
    3. The Office
    4. PTI
    5. Outscourced-haven't seen it yet, but the previews are good enough, and I've heard good things.
    *These are all current seasons. The Office in all time ranks would be higher.

  8. I guess The Office... it's the only show I semi-regularly catch. I do really like Lie to Me though.

  9. 1. Modern Family
    2. Big Bang Theory
    3. The Office
    4. The Amazing Race
    5. Big Brother

  10. I can't put them in order, but here some of my favorites:

    So You Think You Can Dance (when it's on)
    America's Next Top Model
    Law & Order SVU
    The Good Wife
    The Biggest Loser

  11. Gotta throw House and Bones in there too

  12. 1. The Office
    2. Modern Family
    3. Chopped
    4. Vampire Diaries
    5. Lost...ok, yeah it's gone but I oh so miss it :(

  13. 1. Sanctuary
    2. Big Bang Theory
    3. Two and Half Men
    4. CSI
    5. The Biggest Loser

  14. I pretty much agree with Billy, but I don't like Fridge or Lie to Me, I'd change those two for House and Bones.

    1.Modern Family
    2.The Middle


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