Monday, August 31, 2009

At Your Service Awards

At the end of the Summer Waters Edge Church has started a tradition where we celebrate current volunteers and recruit new ones. This year our service took on an awards show flair. The service started with worship then transitioned to the welcome. At the welcome I introduced that today was in honor of our volunteers. From there the band kicked into the song Use Somebody by Kings of Leon, accompanied with a tribute video featuring our volunteers.

From there we transitioned to the awards show. We brought out a gigantore Oscar statue, Lead Pastor Stu Hodges wore a tux, and he gave out three awards to volunteers in the audience. His talk was taken from Jesus first miracle, turning water into wine. The main idea was that it was the servants who got to experience the miracle. It was sick! The talk honored current volunteers and challenged everyone else to step up. At the same time Stu did a fantastic job at making sure first time visitors didn't feel any pressure. The pressure should be felt by people who say Waters Edge is their church, yet they don't volunteer.

To end Stu's talk he asked all of our current 510 volunteers (spread out between 4 services) to come to the stage. All of them received a brand new Waters Edge t-shirt. Stu then asked for new volunteers to fill out a commitment card and to come to the stage to turn it in. At the end of the day 265 new volunteers signed up to join our team! It was a great day.

Pictured Above: Phil Poteat rocks out "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon

Pictured Above: Stu Hodges in a tux!

Pictured Above: Stu hands out one of three awards to a volunteer

Pictured Above: Bobby Pegram sporting the brand new
Waters Edge t-shirt that we gave out to all of our current volunteers.

Pictured Above: Some of the 510 current volunteers
at WEC during the 6:00 PM service
Pictured Above: New volunteers joining the team
as Phil Poteat sings "I give myself away so you can use me."

Friday, August 28, 2009's what you can control

We don't get to control a whole lot in life. We like to be in control but think about how much we really can't control. You can't control your name. Your name is given to you whether you like or not. You can't control your looks. I mean you can control you weight, but things like height, the size of your nose, your teeth, and nipple size are for the most part out of your control. You can't control what other people are going to say about you. No matter how hard you try someone is going to talk smack about you. You can't control the weather. You can't control pain when it happens. You can't control if your kids behave when you are not around.

There are lots of things you can't control, but one thing we all can control is our integrity. I once heard that integrity is what you do when no one else is looking. It's making the right decisions in life even when it's hard.

Long after you are gone people will remember whether or not you had integrity. You can't control the name you were given at birth, but you can control what people say about you after you die. People with integrity inspire others to name their kids after them. People without integrity make sure no one ever names their kid that name again. Think Judas, Brutus, or think about that jerk in your third grade class. Integrity matters, and it's something that only you can control.


Every time one of my favorite musical artists releases an album I get a little nervous. What if the artist doesn't deliver? What if I hate the new music? It may seem silly but I don't have that many favorite artists anymore. I used to love lots of bands but now I've gone the way of the single and download songs more than I do whole albums. With that being said I like holding on to the few artists that I still love.

NeedToBreathe is one of my favorite bands. This past Tuesday they released their newest album entitled The Outsiders. This album is definitely more southern rock then their past two releases. That's not a bad thing, just an observation. Without a doubt the album doesn't disappoint. I like it a lot.

I like the whole album, but a few standout tracks include: The Outsiders, Girl Named Tennessee, and Something Beautiful.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Waiting through the process

Do you want to make an investment that changes some one's life?

Over the last five years of my life I've been investing in a guy from my Student Community Group. There were many weeks were I didn't feel like I was making a difference. There were many weeks were I didn't know if it was worth it. I would plant seeds of what having a relationship with God looks like. I would pray that God would draw this student to Himself. Every once in a while I would get a glimpse that the investment was paying off, but more weeks then not I didn't see any difference. I went to lunch with this student recently and they have become a different person. This student is in love with God.

Sometimes God changes a person instantly, but in my experience life change happens slowly over time. It happens when positive investments are made. The truth is we can't force anyone to change. I wish it was instant, but lasting change often happens when it's been slow cooked over years. Here are some things I try to do while I wait through the process of life change...
  • Pray - life change doesn't happen without God.
  • Be patient. People aren't perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Be patient and often you will see your investment pay off.
  • Don't over react. Be there to support them when they fall. If you over react there is a great chance they won't be honest with you next time.
  • Love the person whether or not they ever change their behavior. You have to show the person that you love them. They are not just a project they are a person who has worth.
  • Model the behavior you want them to learn.
  • Stay involved in their life.
  • Don't cram it down their throat. Don't be afraid to challenge them but if they are not willing to walk you shouldn't drag them.
  • Listen. Listen to what's going on in their life. Often people will come to the right answers on their own. Listening will help them do just that.
  • Pray some more.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bright Beginnings

The YMCA has a great program where they collect money to send kids back to school shopping. Each kid gets $125 at Wal-Mart. For the last two years Waters Edge has financially sponsored kids to go shopping. But wait there's more...the staff also takes the kids shopping. It's a great experience. I love the York County YMCA and their staff. Top class people. Here is a pic of the WEC staff right before we went shopping.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Thousands of years ago God provided manna from Heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness. No one knows what that manna tasted like but I suspect it was a lot like a Chipotle burrito. Like manna from Heaven God inspired the yummy goodness that is Chipotle. If you let me pick where we're eating I'm picking it ever time.

Don't judge me, but I may or may not have eaten at Chipotle 4 times last week. I had a gift card and our Chipotle just opened so this trend won't continue. It was worth it though.

I love Chipotle. I've heard people say that they like Moe's better...everyone is entitled to their opinion but in my opinion if you prefer Moe's you have faulty taste buds. I've heard people say that it's too spicy. In my opinion, if that's you, man up and learn to love the spicy goodness that is Chipotle.

It is without a doubt my favorite restaurant. I love it and I think you should too!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Vs. - a challenge at where you decide the outcome. On this weeks Vs.

Pancakes vs. Waffles.

If you had to pick one for breakfast who would win?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Funny Stuff

If you haven't seen this yet it's worth the view. This is David after he had a tooth removed. It makes me laugh.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Movie Review - District 9

District 9 is the latest sci-fi phenom to be released by Hollywood. If you don't know the story it started when Peter Jackson (Director of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy) tried to make a movie version of the video game Halo. The Halo movie fell through and Jackson decided to make a sci-fi movie anyway. This time though no one in Hollywood could stop him. Instead of a big budget movie where the suits of Hollywood would tell him what to do he create a low budget movie that went under the radar. District 9 was filmed with little fan fair. The comic book fans at Comic Con saw part of the film and began Tweeting and blogging about the film. Hype rose almost to the level of Snakes on A Plane. Hopefully, unlike Snakes, this movie would be worth the hype.

District 9 is a highly original sci-fi thriller. It's bloody, messy, intriguing, and filled with F-Bombs. I could have used about 100 less F-Bombs but I was intrigued by the plot. Unlike a lot of summer blockbusters, where you can figure out the plot in the first 5 minutes, District 9 kept me guessing. One thing that helps is the special affects are stellar. But unlike Transformers there is actually a plot to go along with impressive CGI.
District 9 is rated R for intense action/violence, and the F-Bomb. I liked it but I don't think I would ever watch it again. Therefore I give it a thumb to the side.
Rob's Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I'm currently watching a Rock Band video version of a classic Beatles song. A video game version of Ringo is singing, "I get by with a little help from my friends." VH1 has been playing these videos for the last couple of weeks to promote the Beatles new game.

Last week my cell phone rang with news that a youth pastor was facing charges of having a relationship with one of his 15 year old students. This youth pastor was married with kids. I've received far too many phone calls like this for it to shock me. Not even a month ago I was talking to one of my friends about another pastor who resigned because of an affair with his assistant.

I understand how this can happen. I'm not lonely. I have lots of friends. But I don't have anyone in my life who talks about the struggles in life. In fact I could make a decision that would ruin my life and get away with it for weeks before anyone would notice. Right now the thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow is my love for God, my love for my wife, and my desire to not let down the Students that I lead. But far too many leaders, who are greater than I, have fallen and it does worry me.

I believe that all of us need "a little help from our friends." We need to be there for each other before, during, and after a fall. I pray no one ever has to make a phone call about how I ruined my ministry because of some stupid affair. I'm praying even harder that God puts into place the right people who love me enough to ask the hard questions. People who don't assume every thing's fine because it always has been. Friends that will be so involved that they notice if I start to do something stupid.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cool or Uncool

Cool or Uncool, a game at where you decide what is cool or uncool.
Here's how you play.
Step 1: Read the question below.
Step 2: Decide whether you think it is cool or uncool.
Step 3: Post your decision by leaving a comment.
Cool or Uncool? Adult guys wearing jean shorts.

Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Part 2

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Guys Edition
  • Don't help out around the house. You didn't marry your mother so don't expect your wife to clean up after you. It's not that hard to pick up after yourself. Seriously, don't leave your dirty underwear on the floor.
  • Don't have a job.
  • Never allow her to hang out with her girl friends.
  • Allow jealousy to consume you.
  • Look at porn. If you want to ruin your wife's self esteem let her know that she is not good enough for you. In fact tell her that you would rather pleasure yourself to an image that you don't know and that you can't touch. At some point she is going to find out your secret so get some help. If you don't you might as well tell her you wish you were married to a picture of a naked woman.
  • Never communicate your feelings. Typically girls express their feelings more than guys. If you shut her out by being silent then she is going to feel like she doesn't know you.
  • Don't listen to her. Sometimes girls just need to talk about whatever. Guy's are natural fixers so we want to fix whatever the problem is. Sometimes a girl just wants to be listened to. In fact most of the time she will come up with the right answer on her own. She just wants to know you support her.
  • Don't live on a budget.
  • Forget what you did to get her. If you used romance to win over your wife then you better use romance to keep her.
  • Put yourself in compromising situations with other women. If you want to ruin your marriage flirt with girls, hang out with girls other than your wife when your wife isn't present, and fool yourself to think that you can resist another woman's touch.

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Part 1

How To Ruin Your Marriage: Ladies Edition
  • Nag him. Women seem to worry about things more than men. Often that worry leads to the wife nagging her husband. If a guy wanted to be nagged he would have married his mom. If you want your husband to run away nag him about minor things like taking out the trash, playing video games, and or not having a job. Ok maybe that last one is worth nagging him about.
  • Use sex as a punishment. If you want to ruin your marriage say things like, "Your not getting any tonight because blah blah blah."
  • Never let him hang out with his guy friends.
  • Disrespect him! Guys are wired to want respect. If you disrespect your husband to his face or behind his back it will shatter your marriage.
  • If you never give Victoria a call and ask her what her Secret is. Every once in a while retire the ratty old t-shirt and visit Victoria's. If you can't afford Victoria's Secret then cut two strategic holes in that t-shirt and viola.
  • Don't live on a budget.
  • Never have fun.
  • If every once in a while you don't hang and do something he loves you will ruin your marriage.

To be continued...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My last day as a 30 year old

Today is my last day at 30 years of age. I love birthdays! I don't think I will stop loving my birthday until the day when I can't control my bowel movement. I'm not afraid to turn 40, 50, 60, or even 70. I just don't want to fart one day and have to change my shorts because I'm too old to control it. When I can't feed myself, clean myself, and or make it to the toilet then I will stop celebrating birthdays. Until then I celebrate!

Today as my last day at 30 I'm going to celebrate with a Buffalo Chicken Dip made by friend Bethany Poteat. I'm then going to Chipotle to eat my last meal as a 30 year old. Sounds like a good last day as a 30 year old.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Picks from the Cruise

Here are some pics from my cruise last week. It makes me want to take another one right now.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Unlikely Disciple

Last week I read the Unlikely Disciple: A Sinners Semester at America's Holiest University by Kevin Roose. Kevin took a semester off from Brown University to enroll at Liberty University.

Now one would think that a Brown University Student who does not follow Christ would hate Liberty. To his surprise he enjoyed his time there. The book is entertaining, heart warming, and funny. Kevin writes it as it happened. He includes swears, sex talks in the dorms, and his thoughts on Jerry Falwell.

I loved the book, partly because it brought back so many memories. I graduated from Liberty and things have not changed that much since I was there. Even if you hate Liberty U, I think that you can pull something from this book. It's not a pro or anti Liberty book. It's a fascinating story that gives an in depth look at a outsiders view of Liberty University.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My First Cruise

Last week my wife and I went on our first cruise. Just in case you were wondering here are my thoughts about cruising...
  • There is a lot of food. We went on Carnival and I ate a lot. With that being said the food was good but not great. If anything on the boat was served at a local restaurant I would not go to that restaurant for the food. I don't say that to be negative because I liked the food I just didn't love it.
  • I don't like laying out in the sun. My wife loves laying out in the sun. One day I was laying out and I felt like 4 hours went by. I knew I made a great effort. The truth was only 20 minutes had passed.
  • We went to Cozumel and Progresso Mexico.
  • We got an hour long massage on the beach for $10 each. It was worth every penny. However if I paid $11 I would have been mad. The masseuse liked to use her elbows and the karate chop method. I don't think either are effective.
  • I bought a Luchador Mask. These are the masks that Mexican Wrestlers wear. Mine looks like Spider-Man.
  • I won a competition on the boat. It was movie theme songs and I got 8 out of 11 right. I missed Casper (seriously this should not be in the competition), 1941 (who has seen this), and Temple of Doom (I put Indiana Jones but it had to be specific). The prize is a ship on a stick.
  • Doing a cruise with friends is the way to go. We had a lot of fun with our friends.
  • All week long I put SBF 50 sunblock on. I don't think I got any sun, so on the last day I put on 15 and I burned. I'm white. I wish I would have got a little tanner, but I'm glad I didn't burn on the first day.
  • I liked being unplugged from everything. I couldn't text, get online, or check email.
  • We didn't do any excursions because they were expensive. Maybe next time but for now we just wanted to enjoy the cruise.
  • Overall I liked a cruise. I want to go again. My wife loved it. She is ready to go tomorrow.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thankful for things I don't like

I try to be thankful for things. I don't always succeed but I want to be thankful for things...even the things that I don't like. For example I'm thankful for public restrooms, but I hate em. First off the restroom is supposed to be experienced in private. For the first few years of our lives going to the bathroom is a spectator event, but that is because someone else cleaned us up. Once you become potty trained the bathroom is a private moment. The problem with public restrooms is that the private becomes public.

There are some things that just shouldn't be shared with strangers. On my drive home from my vacation a guy tried to open the stall I was in. Luckily I locked the door. He then asked if anyone was in there. Awkward. I wouldn't have answered but he sounded panicked and I was afraid he would have crawled under the door if I didn't answer. I sheepishly told him yes. When I left the stall he went in and started ripping the loudest farts I've ever heard. I don't want to share that moment with anyone. There I was trying to wash my hands and this guy is machine gunning farts. I left that experience being very thankful for public restrooms, but I truly do hate em.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Movie Review: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

G.I. Joe has been a huge part of my life. They were right up there with the superheroes of my childhood. I've been waiting for this movie since I was 10 years old.
The movie is not bad but it definitely wasn't worth the wait. In fact I would have loved it more if I was 10 years old. The makers of the movie gave a valiant effort. The plot is something right out of a G.I. Joe cartoon. The special effects are great. The action is intense. It's got everything a summer popcorn flick should have. So, what's the problem? I guess that it's just a lot of splash without much substance.
I was hoping for it to be as good as this summers Star Trek or better yet last summers Iron Man. It was closer to the Mummy. Maybe because the same director made those films, but it had The Mummy feel to it. A lot of action, but at the end of the day I just didn't care about it. G.I. Joe is rated PG-13 for intense action sequences and a few swears. I give it a thumb to the side.
Rob's Rating System: Two Thumbs up = I loved it, worth paying full price, and I will own it on DVD.
One Thumb up = An OK movie, worth a matinee showing, and I may buy it on DVD if I see it in the $5 bin.
Thumb to the side = Wait and rent it. I wouldn't be mad if someone gave me this DVD, but I wouldn't buy it.
Thumbs down = I hated it, wish I wouldn't have wasted money on it, wouldn't own it on DVD.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Bad Drivers

Have you ever noticed there are no bad drivers? Let me clarify...there are plenty of bad drivers out there, but for some reason whenever you confront a bad driver they never admit that they are bad. I'm not saying I'm an amazing driver, but the worst drivers I know all claim to be good drivers. For just once I would like for a really bad driver to say, "ya know what...I stink at driving."

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What are they saying? Part 2

Have you ever sang a song, maybe for years, only to find out later that you were singing the wrong words? Sometimes it's just hard to make out what the singer is saying. Case in point the song Broken by Lifehouse. When I first bought their CD (yea I still buy CD's) I thought I heard a lyric that just didn't make sense. The lyric sounded like "I may have lost my wiener, haven't forgotten my way home." I didn't think the song was about a lost wiener dog, or sausage made from beef, or...some of you people need to have your brains washed out with soap. Dirty people.

I listened to the song a million times trying to figure out what he sang. I finally had to look at the lyrics because I was sure what I was hearing was not right. The correct lyric is "I may have lost my way now, haven't forgotten my way home." Now I can't prove this but I think that other people thought the same thing because when Lifehouse released the single it was a different version. The radio version rocked a little more and that line is spaced out so it is clear that he sings "way now."

What songs do you sing the wrong words to?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What are they saying? Part 1

By now you are probably past being sick of seeing coverage of Michael Jackson. I've watched so many specials I feel like I was friends with the king of pop. His videos have been on a lot and I found myself watching the video for Smoothe Criminal. I don't have a fat clue what Michael is saying during half of that song. I've tried to sing the chorus but I just make up words.

Without doing a google search what do you think he says for that chorus?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

8 Years & Counting

Today my wife, Monica, and I celebrate 8 years of marriage. In some ways 8 years seems like a long time, but in others it really doesn't. I mean I have a great memory, but I have a hard time remembering before Monica. I can't even imagine life without her. I love her more today then when we got married.

In an imaginary world if I wasn't married and I met her today, 8 years later, I would still want to marry her. Hopefully if that were the case she wouldn't be married because I would have to beat up her husband. If I couldn't beat him up I would have to try because he would be married to the love of my life. I would probably do a drive by kick in the shin and then run away screaming you ruined my life. It wouldn't be his fault but I would fight him anyway. Luckily God worked it out so that we are together. I think He knew my life would stink without her.

Happy Anniversary Monica. The only woman I've ever loved.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Vacation had to get away

Vacation is what I love the most about summer. My wife is a teacher so she gets a good long break from work. I take a few days off throughout the summer but our big vacation comes during the first week of August. This year Monica and I are taking our very first cruise.

I've resisted going on a cruise before because I wasn't sure I would love it. I think I'll love all the food and shows at night, but during the day I worry I will get bored. I'm not a lay by the pool kind of guy. I'm not a read a book in the hot sun kind of guy. I'm not a tan kind of guy. For vacation I like to see things. Normally on a vacay I go to a city and dominate all the tourist attractions. I run around so hard by the end of my vacation I need another vacation. And that is the reason for going on a cruise this year. I need to relax. I need to rest. I can't wait for this cruise.

So how about you? What are you doing for your vacation?