Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Unlikely Disciple

Last week I read the Unlikely Disciple: A Sinners Semester at America's Holiest University by Kevin Roose. Kevin took a semester off from Brown University to enroll at Liberty University.

Now one would think that a Brown University Student who does not follow Christ would hate Liberty. To his surprise he enjoyed his time there. The book is entertaining, heart warming, and funny. Kevin writes it as it happened. He includes swears, sex talks in the dorms, and his thoughts on Jerry Falwell.

I loved the book, partly because it brought back so many memories. I graduated from Liberty and things have not changed that much since I was there. Even if you hate Liberty U, I think that you can pull something from this book. It's not a pro or anti Liberty book. It's a fascinating story that gives an in depth look at a outsiders view of Liberty University.

1 comment:

  1. have not read it all yet, just excerpts. i find it humorous that the LU bookstore puts a disclaimer in the front of it. but they sell it, so kudos to them. interact with LU students quite a bit...they have big hearts...


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