Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Ruin Your Marriage: Part 1

How To Ruin Your Marriage: Ladies Edition
  • Nag him. Women seem to worry about things more than men. Often that worry leads to the wife nagging her husband. If a guy wanted to be nagged he would have married his mom. If you want your husband to run away nag him about minor things like taking out the trash, playing video games, and or not having a job. Ok maybe that last one is worth nagging him about.
  • Use sex as a punishment. If you want to ruin your marriage say things like, "Your not getting any tonight because blah blah blah."
  • Never let him hang out with his guy friends.
  • Disrespect him! Guys are wired to want respect. If you disrespect your husband to his face or behind his back it will shatter your marriage.
  • If you never give Victoria a call and ask her what her Secret is. Every once in a while retire the ratty old t-shirt and visit Victoria's. If you can't afford Victoria's Secret then cut two strategic holes in that t-shirt and viola.
  • Don't live on a budget.
  • Never have fun.
  • If every once in a while you don't hang and do something he loves you will ruin your marriage.

To be continued...


  1. I made a similar list some time ago, and you and I match up with our line items amazingly well. I suspect that you will be posting a guy's version shortly. I know that one all too well. Sadly, I am the master.

  2. Very nice advice- Whats up with your dislike of budgets though??

  3. OHH i get it- Forget my comment!


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Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.