Thursday, August 27, 2009

Waiting through the process

Do you want to make an investment that changes some one's life?

Over the last five years of my life I've been investing in a guy from my Student Community Group. There were many weeks were I didn't feel like I was making a difference. There were many weeks were I didn't know if it was worth it. I would plant seeds of what having a relationship with God looks like. I would pray that God would draw this student to Himself. Every once in a while I would get a glimpse that the investment was paying off, but more weeks then not I didn't see any difference. I went to lunch with this student recently and they have become a different person. This student is in love with God.

Sometimes God changes a person instantly, but in my experience life change happens slowly over time. It happens when positive investments are made. The truth is we can't force anyone to change. I wish it was instant, but lasting change often happens when it's been slow cooked over years. Here are some things I try to do while I wait through the process of life change...
  • Pray - life change doesn't happen without God.
  • Be patient. People aren't perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Be patient and often you will see your investment pay off.
  • Don't over react. Be there to support them when they fall. If you over react there is a great chance they won't be honest with you next time.
  • Love the person whether or not they ever change their behavior. You have to show the person that you love them. They are not just a project they are a person who has worth.
  • Model the behavior you want them to learn.
  • Stay involved in their life.
  • Don't cram it down their throat. Don't be afraid to challenge them but if they are not willing to walk you shouldn't drag them.
  • Listen. Listen to what's going on in their life. Often people will come to the right answers on their own. Listening will help them do just that.
  • Pray some more.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Rob. I love to see how you do more than just study the word and teach the word, you actually live the word. Now that's a beautiful example for others.


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