Monday, January 12, 2009

You Can't See Me

I work with teenagers. I love working with teenagers. I had the following conversation with a teen on Sunday. It started when the teen overheard a conversation I was having with my buddy Dan about the game Tecmo Bowl for the Nintendo.

Teen: Rob, you can't see me.
Rob: What do you mean I can't see you? You are right next to me.
Teen: You can't see me!
Rob: That doesn't even make sense. What's wrong with you?

A few minutes later...

Teen: Rob you can't see me in Tecmo Bowl.
Rob: I don't have a fat clue what you are talking about, but if we ever play Tecmo I will dominate you. You won't even score on me.
Teen: You can't see me in Tecmo Bowl because I have heart.
Rob: Heart has nothing to do with Tecmo Bowl.
Teen: Which button is the turbo button in Tecmo Bowl.
Dan: There is no turbo button in Tecmo Bowl.
Rob: Explain to me what the heck you are talking about when you say I can't see you.
Teen: Everyone at my school says it.
Rob: That's a dumb phrase. It doesn't even make sense.
Teen: It came from playing Xbox live.
Rob: OK that makes sense now.

I love working with teenagers.
Apparently "You can't see me" is in reference to playing Xbox live. It's like playing other players online. You are not physically near them but you can talk to them via a headset.


  1. I'm still confused. I'm glad you love your work Rob!

  2. OR its in reference to the WWE wrestler JOHN CENA who waves his hand in front of his face and says YOU CANT SEE if to say you cant get to his status or be like him

  3. Brian, good call. The student I was talking with said xbox but John Cena makes sense.

  4. Not sure if it pre-dates John Cena, but I heard a Notorius B.I.G. song today on NPR (they were doing a segment on the movie and how hip hop affects culture)and he used the phrase You can't see me... I'm pretty sure the song was early '90s.


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