Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Weather Men are not insecure

One of the signs of a secure leader is the ability to make decisions and stick with them no matter the out come. A leader does his or her best to lead people to the best position possible, but at the end of the day he or she has to make a decision. If the decision was wrong a good leader will learn from their mistakes and move on.

A Weather Person (man or woman) has to be one of the most secure people alive. They make decisions everyday that affect masses of people. Sometimes their decisions are more like predictions and many times their predictions are wrong. They fail time and time again and yet they are still doing their job the next day.

Case in point the weather people in the 757 area code. All last night they predicted heavy amounts of snow. So much so that many schools canceled today. I woke up early this morning anticipating the massive amount of snow only to find...nothing. At noon the weather people said that there was 100% chance of snow fall. I saw nothing. Not even a flake at noon.

I am guessing that many people are hacked off at the local weather people. Some probably had to take off work to stay with their kids. Others had to go to work when they planned on taking a snow day. Even though they royally messed it up the local weather person is secure enough in themselves to come back and do it again tomorrow. I say here here to the weather people...the most secure leaders around.


  1. maybe so.... but either way, they're gonna need to start hiring bodyguards as a means of protection from rioting crowds

  2. I never believe them about snow around here until I actually see it snow. We get the most snow when they say "it won't snow" or "we will only see flurries."

  3. I think we live in a weird vacuum that snow just can't penetrate. Or maybe the Peninsula is like the Lost island. It moves. It moves to where ever snow isn't.

  4. I never believe there will be snow until I actually see it falling! People flip out in this area when there is even a mention of inclement weather.


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