Friday, January 9, 2009

Nose Hairs

Why do I have so much hair in my nose? Seriously! I just plucked out a forest. Normally I try to use some type of nose hair trimmer, but I had so many poking out that I just yanked em with two fingers. And the answer to your question is...yes it hurt.

When I get to Heaven I'm going to ask God why hair refuses to stop growing in unwanted places all the while it goes on strike on my head. I guess it could be worse...I could have it on my ears.


  1. I've heard it does get worse, and it will start out your ears eventually. Supposedly your ears nose and hair from both never stop growing. TMI Rob, TMI.

  2. I'm kind of grossed out by this blog a little. But I'm your wife, so I'll continue to love you unconditionally despite all your nose hairs.

  3. That is hilarious. I can relate bro. I actually trim mine though. Plucking hurts too much! Guess I'm a wuss.

    --Terrace Crawford

  4. Yeah, nose hairs are an issue for me too. And ear hair is coming on strong as well. The other day I found a 3 inch silver hair growing out of my leg. I was somewhat amazed and grossed out at the same time. I guess I may have to start shaving my legs?


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