Friday, October 29, 2010

Mind Dump

It's been brewing for a while. The following is a massive mind dump of all the random stuff going on in my head...
  • 2010 is rounding the corner to the end of it's existence.  According to the documentary, Back to the Future II, we now have less than five years to invent flying cars, hoverboards, and self tying tennis shoes. I just hope that by 2015 someone invents an ironing board that doesn't squeal like a banshee every time you set it up.  Awful.
  • "That's what she said" has changed the way I speak and write.  Thanks to, Michael Scott from, "The Office" that joke is said so often I now think defensively against it. Whenever I write an email, blog, twitter, or speak in public my mind filters the things I say so I don't set someone up to say "that's what she said." It's not easy. In fact it's really hard.
  • That's what she said.
  • I love that the NBA season started this week. Love it!
  • The NBA needs to make West Coast games start earlier. There is no way the NBA will ever catch the NFL's popularity if they don't make games come on earlier. I tried to stay up for the Lakers season opener and I just couldn't do it. The first quarter didn't start till 11:00 PM.
  • I'm still really enjoying the book, "Sun Stand Still" by Steven Furtick. It's practical, and it inspires me to live audaciously.
  • So the San Francisco Giants are in the World Series and they are winning? I remember watching them in the World Series when an earth quake hit. That was a crazy thing.
  • I'm pulling for Texas to come back and win the World Series. We lived near the stadium for two years.  We went to a game when A-Rod was with them.
  • Today is the deadline to sign up for a volunteer exclusive event at Waters Edge. We are recording our very first CD with Phil Poteat and the Waters Edge Band. It's going to be a night of epic proportions. If you volunteer at WEC you can register here.
  • I was asked recently what the best movies of the last few years were. It was really hard for me to think of a list of great movies. There have been some good ones, but in my opinion there's only a few great movies.  My favorites are The Dark Knight, Slumdog Millionaire, The Blindside, and Iron Man. What about you? What great movies would you list from the last 3 years?
  • I'm getting a hair cut today. I like a hair cut, but I just hate going to get one. It feels like a waste of time to me. Even though it only takes 15 to 20 minutes I'd rather do something else. I guess once I go bald I won't have to think about hair cuts any more. 
  • I love when people leave comments on my blog. I think it's my love language. I hope the new comment system has made it easier. There certainly are more people leaving comments, so I hope so. 
  • I have the privilege of speaking this weekend at Waters Edge. We moved our Sunday evening services to Saturday night for one time only.  I hope people actually show up on Sat. night. 
  • This week Monica and I hosted Mr. Anderson and his wife Kristi. They were here to find a home. They did, so he starts his new job at Waters Edge on November 8th. Can you dig it?!!?
  • Mr. Anderson is going to be the Community Group Manager. He's going to help take Adult Community Groups to a whole notha level.
  • Kristi Anderson introduced us to something called miracle mud. I can't wait to A. try this out. And B. blog about it.
  • So I'm painting a ceiling today. Apparently the people who built my home didn't prime the bathroom ceiling before they put the popcorn crud on it.  We paid someone to paint our ceilings and as soon as paint hit the popcorn it crumbled.  We (I say we because my good friend Dan Peters is going to help me) have to scrape off the popcorn crud, prime it, and then paint it.  It took Michelangelo (no not the Ninja Turtle) 4 years to paint the Sistine Chapel. I'm hoping it doesn't take me that long.  
  • By the way my house is for sale. I feel like we've done a great job at taking care of the house God has blessed us with. It's going to be a little sad to sell it.  
  • Some of the Students in my Student Community Group were talking about how sad/weird it will be to meet at another house. For some of them they've been at my lil house every Wednesday for the last 3 years.
  • God made it so birds can fly and humans can't. I wish He would have at least made it so that birds can't poop while they fly. They are like flying weapons. I think they poop on things just to remind humans that we can't fly up there to catch em.  Luckily for us God gave man the ability to invent guns. I kid I kid.
  • There are some amazing cooks in this world. Many people have brought food by since Monica is on bed rest. A-MAZING!
  • Monica is doing ok. She is feeling better and having less problems which is great. She's a little bummed about missing so much time in her classroom. She is teaching kindergarten for the first time and hates that she can't be there. I'm praying she can go back to work soon.
Whew...I feel better now.


  1. oh. my. goodness. i totally just laughed out loud. you are hilarious. (and, yep, that's what she said!)

    we will be at service on saturday night. so, that's two. i expect a personal shout out if we are the only ones.

    glad monica is doing ok. hoping she will get the go-ahead for work soon!

    ps. my kids have self-tying tennis shoes. but that's just cause they make me do it for them.

  2. Good stuff here man. Two things for you. 1). When the hair stops growing on your head, it will start growing out other places. You will have to pay attention to hair care of some kind until the end. 2). Regardless of who else shows up or doesn't show up on Saturday at WEC, I will be there to worship with you. Oh, and one more thing, hope you have a great day.

  3. Ha-larious. Did you notice you have 91 votes? That's most ever right?

  4. Love to read your thoughts! My fav movies from recent years: To Save a Life, Blindside, and Fireproof. All incredibly inspiring stories of "regular" people living radically for Christ and changing the world.

  5. In no particular order i enjoyed: The wrestler, The hurt locker, Wall-E, Up, Changeling, Inception, District 9, and Watchmen

  6. Glad Monica is doing good. That second point about "that's what she said" cracked me up. I am NOT good about thinking preemptively, and get "that's what she said" said to ME all the time. Mostly by that ridiculous brother of mine. :) I usually never see it coming. Which in saying I probably set myself up for "that's what she said". I give up.

  7. Yes. That's the most by far.

  8. I didn't realize Monica was on bedrest. I pray for you guys and the precious lives growing in her belly, I will pray more specifically about her getting off bedrest.

    That birds fly and people can't part, literally made me laugh out loud!

    I shared Monicas blog about respecting your husband with all the ladies in our small group- such beautiful reminders of how to love our husbands - thank her for us as it brought such rich conversations on :)

    Julie WAgner

  9. You are the funniest guy I know.

  10. Julie, that's cool that you shared that with the Bible study. Thanks for reading.

  11. Wow... I love how your blog just got PG-13 :p

    Great post!

    PS- I so wanted to vote Reece's Piece's!!


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.