Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mutant Healing Ability???

I went with my wife, Monica, to the doctor yesterday. We have recently changed doctors and this was her first appointment with our new one. Monica has been sick for over a week. She was diagnosed with a sinus infection. The doctor was questioning whether or not Monica really has a sinus infection. She thought that she may have the flu instead. When I heard the doctor say this I said,

"I have been questioning the same thing. Sinus infections aren't supposed to be contagious but I caught whatever she had."

The doctor then said, "it must not be the flu either if you are already feeling better."

Now I wish I could have my next sentence back.

I said, "I like to think that I have a super mutant healing ability and that is why I'm over it."


The doctor never responded. She ignored my joke and went on to take care of Monica. I can't blame her for not responding. How do you respond to that comment?

It was meant to be a joke. As soon as I said it I knew it wasn't that funny and I just came off as a complete comic book nerd. I hoped Monica didn't hear it. We didn't talk about the comment after the appointment. In fact she didn't mention my comment until later that night. She told a friend of ours what I said and the friend responded with...silence. I tried to explain that it was a joke, but it didn't make it any better. Alas, I may have a mutant healing ability but I can't take back bad jokes. Have you ever said something you wished you could take back?


  1. I don't dwell on it. Everyone who's truly funny says things that flop. Move on, next joke.

    I wouldn't have laughed, but it was amusing. Had I been with you I might have grinned and shook my head.

  2. yeah, you just have to brush it off and carry on.... i've had it happen numerous times, especially the occasional comic-book-esque reference that flies over everyone's heads. anything from adding "bub" to the end of a sentence like Wolverine.... to saying something about symbiotes, or the alias names of superheroes in a joking comment.... it's all just hit or miss, but when it hits?? SO good.

  3. I have nothing to say about this blog Rob. I feel like I need to be silent.

  4. Tony, that was a funny comment.
    Jake, I knew you would relate.
    Dp, had you been with me I would have found a way to make it funny.

  5. I;m with you Rob. Glad you are doing better!

  6. It is funny that it wasn't funny and your new Dr probably wrote something like "totally corny comic book guy" on your chart.

  7. I like how I got a shout out in this blog. But I think my exact words were, "That's lame."


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.