Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today is the Presidential Inauguration. I don't think I've ever watched an Inauguration before. In fact I vaguely remember watching highlights on the news of past Presidents at their Inauguration. I will be at work during the Inauguration today, but I plan on DVR'ing it. Will you watch the Inauguration today?

I often forget to pray for the leaders of our country. I get so consumed with my life and the things that directly affect me that I forget to make the time to pray for the leaders of America. Whether you watch it or not I would like to encourage everyone who reads this to spend a few minutes praying for our new President. Pray that God gives him wisdom to lead our country. Pray that he would have a heart for God and a heart for what is right and just. There seems to be a lot of pressure on President Obama and if I were him I would appreciate the prayer support.


  1. Thanks for the reminder Rob. Have a great day.

  2. Warren did a good job. Enjoyed the event.

  3. I didn't get to watch it either, but I figure highlights will be replayed all day (and probably all week). We prayed for President Obama in our staff meeting today, but I rarely remember to pray for the leaders of our country too. I think this president will need our prayers more than ever.

  4. I watched it...over top of the talking of my co-workers. What part of you are witnessing history do you not understand?

  5. Watched some prelimin's on FOx before going to bed last night (yep we are 15 hrs ahead of east coast USA!).

    I've recorded quite a bit of it & will thoroughly enjoying sitting down later this week & watching history.

    It is a truly historic moment for the world.

  6. I watched the whole thing today and it was my first time ever watching one. I thought it was quite moving. Being older & from Georgia I remember so much of the unequality of the blacks & the mistreatment of them. So it was really a historic day for me to watch that. I prayed for President Obama as he made his speach and I will try to remember to pray for our leaders more often than I do now.

  7. I watched it. I wasn't that impressed with his speech.
    But I love the all the ceremony and the significance of it all. Our country really is amazing!


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