Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I heard today that the average teen texts 58 texts messages a day. I then heard stories of some people texting 400 to 500 texts per day. That's crazy!

It got me wondering. How many texts do you send in a day?


  1. 10-15 average, but drift way higher on certain days.

    It's a revolution in how we communicate. Don't worry, it will be replaced by something else in the next 2 years.

  2. It depends the more I sit in meetings or class the more I text! Woops I guess i shouldn't say that...whoa wordfinder word today :encest...HAHAHAHA

  3. 0. I text 0 times per day. Annually I text approximately 0 - 10 times. In fact I find texting to be mildly offensive. People text during meetings, class or while hanging out with other people and it proves that they aren't fully engaged in what's going on. I'm ok with extremely brief telephone conversations and so I prefer to call or be called.

    I actually don't think texting will be replaced in the near term, it's too pervasive (and despite my above criticism, for yes or no questions it's very convenient and teens who drive tomorrow are ok with conversations via it... it's not like a pager, I don't see a replacement technology). I know at sometime, I'll have to give in and get a texting plan, but I'm holding out.

  4. 5-7 a day. But Brian is right, certain days you text more than others.

  5. I have never texted in my whole, entire life. This is a notable benefit of not having any friends.

  6. I think I text 80-90 times a day...and talk 3-4 hours mostly to my fiancee...even when she is in town

  7. I text 1-10 times per week. I'm not an every day texter . . . yet. I usually only reply to text messages sent to me. I generally don't initiate text conversations unless I need to get a message to someone who I know texting is their primary form of communication (some of them even prefer texting over talking to someone in person). Go figure!

  8. I text probably 15-25 times per day... It's easier sometimes than having to have a full conversation. quick, easy.

  9. anywhere from 70 to 150.... i tend to have ongoing conversations that last throughout the day, or back-and-forth texts trying to out-random someone with bizarre nonsense texts. it's a disease... and I'm okay with that.

  10. 0 I don't even have texting on my phone. The service lady looked at me like I had 2 heads when I told her I didn't want it on my phone at all! Not even free for a month.
    Most people text when they shouldn't be talking on the phone. If you shouldn't be talking on the phone than you are probably supposed to be paying attention to something else.

  11. I like BluNBlonde's comment. We were having a conversation about texting today. I hate it when people text when you are hanging out with them. Perhaps I am paranoid, but I fear they are talking about me. Someone wiser than me said, "It is the modern day whisper." Sorry this isn't my blog. I text, on average, 3 times a month.


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