Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome Jake Miller

Jake Miller is the newest staff member at Waters Edge Church. He is the Director of Preschoolers and Kids. I'm excited to have Jake and his family join our team. One thing that is really exciting is that Jake is a blogger. He now takes over for the most viewed blog by a Waters Edge Staff member. For those of you keeping count WEC now has 3 staffers that update their blogs (Rob, Brian, and Jake), 2 staffers who have blogs but don't update them (Phil and Bill), and one former staff who still updates her blog (Meredith May). Check out Jake's blog here.


  1. And one staff member whose fiance' has a blog...lol

  2. thanks for the love, dude. at least you didn't take a lame picture of me and post it on your blog...

  3. Jake, nothing but love for ya. I hope you got some hits from robshep.com.


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Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.