Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Love At A Chick-fil-A

I love Chick-fil-A. I love their great service. I love their clean restaurants. I love how they ask you if you want a refill and then they bring you an after dinner mint. Love em! If you've ever been to a Chick-fil-A then there is no doubt that you have heard them say, "my pleasure." They say in replace of you're welcome. I went to a Chick-fil-A once in the sticks of North Carolina. The person working the drive thru was "my pleasure" happy. I knew they were on auto-pilot and just saying the phrase so I decided to mess with them a little bit. I decided to say something to them that didn't fit having a "my pleasure" response. As I'm leaving the drive through I said, "have a nice day." He responded with "my pleasure." I laughed.

One morning on the way to a video shoot I told some of the guys that I work with about that story. We were headed to Chick-fil-A for breakfast. The guys in the car said that I should try it again. This time I through out something and I had no idea how they would respond. After they repeated my order I said and I quote, "I love you." Without even flinching the voice in the drive thru box said, "I love you too." They didn't pause. They didn't stumble. They didn't even say "my pleasure." They boldly said "I love you too." Amazing! We laughed about that for minutes.

This past week in my Adult Community Group we talked about some very convicting verses from the Bible. 1 John 3:10 "This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother."

I love you is such a personal thing to say. I didn't tell my wife that I loved her until I proposed to her. I feel awkward saying I love you to friends. Saying I love you is not something that you just throw around. But according to this verse it is something that should be evident of Christ Followers. You can't follow Jesus and hate someone.

When you think about what Chick-fil-A is known for you think about a lot of really good things. When you think about what Christians are known for you think about a lot of really negative things. What if Christians were known more for what they were for then what they were against? What if Christians were known for how they love others even when they disagree with them? What if Christians were known for their love? It would change the world.

John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Is it awkward for you to say I love you? Do you love Chick-fil-A?


  1. i DO love CFA! I say I love you to the people I love, and don't feel awkward about it, but I was raised in a family that said it a lot.  There's also the "Hahahaha, I love you!" casual declaration of love...

    Your CFA story was hilarious--I bet the cashier did a double take after they said it..."umm...did i just say that?!"

    oh, and there's also the "love ya"....

    or, the <3 ya (even more casual)!

    <3 ya, Rob!

  2. Doubled over laughing... Wow. I'd love to have the camera pan to this guy's coworkers at that awkward moment after he told you he loved you back- nice. And yes, "I love you" can be hard for me. My sis in-laws started saying I love you during farewells after Brooke and I were married- the first time it happened I think I said "yeah, you be good!" or I might've said "my pleasure," I can't remember :p
    Great post!


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