Monday, August 4, 2008

Guest Blogger...Monica Shepherd

7 years is a really long time. Over that period of time you can birth a child and watch them grow into a second grader. The 7 Years War was kind of big deal- apparently that took 7 years too. The Tasmanian Tiger only has a life span of 7 years and there is a myth that says it takes 7 years for a piece of gum to digest after you swallow it! 7 years can also fly! This year is the 7th anniversary of September 11th, Wikipedia was founded 7 years ago, the Ravens won their first Superbowl 7 years ago, and Bush was elected President in 2001. Rob and I got married 7 years ago today and that was by far the greatest event of 2001. It seems like a really long time (in an amazing way), but it has flown by.

Let me tell you what it is like being married to the greatest man I've ever met besides Jesus. Rob is my best friend. He is considerate, charming, funny, sweet, loves the Lord, thoughtful, romantic, creative, smart, handsome....the list goes on. Since he would never write about himself this way, I thought I would take this opportunity to sing his praises. He leaves me notes around the house, packs my lunch for school, bakes better cookies than me, does housework, gets to know my students, makes me laugh out loud, loves my friends, and makes me want to be a better person. If you would like the full list of why I love Rob contact me.

I praise God for the last 7 years and can't wait for many, many more to come. Some days I think that life can't get much better than this, but Rob reminds me daily that it can. Hopefully our marriage will out live the 80 year life expectancy of a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo.


  1. You raise the bar for guest bloggers. Enjoyed your comments and loved your style.

  2. That's an amazing compilation of 7 year things. Tasmania has a tiger, that's awesome.

  3. Happy anniversary. I hope you are having fun on your trip. You and Rob brought tears to my eyes. You guys are my role models and I love that you are in my life. See you when you get back.

  4. Actually it should read...your husband is a lucky man.


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