Friday, August 1, 2008

Guest Blogger...Matt Kuchera

Well typically all I would say is what is up Machine Heads, but seeing as how this is not THE MACHINE and you are not visiting my blog, I am a guest of this website. So instead let me start by stating what a privilege it is to be picked for a guest blog for For starts, this is one of my favorite blogs to read, I mean I love it. Rob is a good buddy of mine, and his content always keeps me entertained. Another thing, and I bet you didn’t know this, I started my blog because of I thought to myself what a cool way to let the world into my head(although scary it may be).

So I’m going to call you sports fans, and sticking with the theme of celebrating his birthday soon, I want to dive into the whole age issue. Everybody ages differently, women mature faster than men, the average age of a united states citizen is about 77 years of age. Those are all things said about age. I want to touch on my favorite thing about age, it doesn’t matter. I don’t segregate, discriminate, separate, or congregate with any one age group. I love kids and seniors, men and women, middle age and teenage people. Society is notorious for their grouping people by their age. I think that it is hog wash. is turning 30 years of age. And some would say that it is an old age, a turn of the life page, and in some respects it is. Relatively to me, he is older, chronologically it is older than me, however Rob is my friend. We have a lot of the same interests and we have a similar level of maturity(not to be confused with our different personalities). God created us to be different, to be individuals, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t have a friend that is 64(forty years older than me). Life experience might separate our understanding of certain situations, time undoubtedly adds insight via hindsight. Chew on this though sports fans, Michael Kevin Kearney went to college at age six, a 78 year old woman can graduate college in the same class. There are two ends of the chronological spectrum, yet they are at the same level of life.

Bottom line sports fans, I don’t classify people by age, race, or sex. Are you genuine, do you have an open mind, can you love other people? Can you joke? Can you take a joke? Do you love movies? Are you a fan of silly stuff? Do you like to act like a kid sometimes? Can you love GOD? If you can answer yes to these questions, you can be my friend. I can definitely hang out with you, and we could be good buddies. That’s all I have for now friends. FIN

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