Friday, August 22, 2008

To copy or not to copy part 3

I know that the majority of you reading don't care about this mini series I've been writing but I just saw this post online about the new direction Warner Bro's is going and I had to comment. WB's who owns the rights to all the DC super hero's...Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, recently commented on the new direction they are going to take their movies.

"Like the recent Batman sequel -- which has become the highest-grossing film of the year thus far -- Mr. Robinov wants his next pack of superhero movies to be bathed in the same brooding tone as "The Dark Knight." Creatively, he sees exploring the evil side to characters as the key to unlocking some of Warner Bros.' DC properties. "We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it," he says. That goes for the company's Superman franchise as well."

Do you see what I mean? Instead of taking a risk and making new movies with great characters WB's wants to make more movies like the Dark Knight but with other super hero's. Bad idea my friend...bad idea. My advice is to take a risk and make something new.


  1. yeah that's total crap..... a dark and brooding take on every other big DC superhero? no thank you. present them as they are meant to be... not by trying to cash in on Batman's tone/mood

  2. If WB is following what has already been done, it isn't really new, is it? I don't have an opinion about how this applies to those specific movies, but I have noticed that what you are discussing is a theme in life. People tend to be trend-setters, trend-followers, or trend-buckers. Copying what appears to be successful reeks of insecurity.
    That's probably why trends have a short life. Once the majority is following the innovative model, it is no longer new, fresh, and appealing.

  3. Rob,

    How did the talk go today? I have to give the evening message tonight in about an hour.

    I was nervous, but its about worry so I dont know if Im allowed lol

    Hope it went well!

    God Bless


  4. This is not "new", as mim said. I totally agree. I'd also like to add that Hollywood seems to be going this route to fetch big $. This trend along side the latest success of movies like Superbad and Stepbrother, films filled with swearing and R humor, show that our society is in need of a check of values.

  5. First, I would like to say a huge welcome to supermatt simpson, it's great to see you here.

    Second, I understand what you're getting at Rob, and agree to a point.

    However the general public, although they might say they don't like the same old for movies (and going with the same old might not produce a record) but the majority of movies that buck trends fail monetarily and go unappreciated.

    Movies are businesses and there's a reason why businesses are franchised and copied... the system works with the masses, in fact often times the masses demand it and shun the original. Not saying turning Superman dark is going to be good, but if they can show Superman as more of a human that's on some level can be related to, it certainly won't hurt. Like you said earlier, it's about character development.


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