Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday Reflections

The services at Waters Edge yesterday were bangerrang (yes that word is from the movie Hook and yes I am trying to bring it back)! Here are some highlights...

  • Worship - great worship set. We started off the service with All because of Jesus by Steve Fee. That led to Mighty to Save by Hillsong United. Our final worship song for the day was God of this City from the Passion album and preformed by Chris Tomlin. Our band is amazing! Seriously...AMAZING!

  • We are in the second week of our series entitled The Bod and God. For a behind the scenes right off the stage worship confessional by Phil Poteat click here.

  • We showed a video to promote our upcoming ground breaking service. This is a huge announcement! Aug. 31 Waters Edge Church will have a ground breaking service on our land! Holla! The video that Phil did was incredible. I told Stu that I think we should show it every week at church. For those of you who aren't at Waters Edge here it is...

  • My dad did a segment at the beginning of Stu's talk. He said that Stu was going to take care of the God part of the series, but he was going to take care of the bod part. He played the role of Fredrick the geriatric fitness instructor. He led us in doing strenuous tasks like touching our head, and then touching our knees. He really found his stride when he led us all to eat our peas. My favorite part of the segment was when he looked out into the crowd and asked someone in the front row..."what's wrong with you you don't like your peas?" It was a spontaneous line that he used in the first service, but it made us all laugh so he added it to the rest of the services. He ended the routine with leading us in the clapper. Clap on (clap clap) Clap off (clap clap) Clap on Clap off the clapper (clap clap). It made me laugh out loud. My dad did a great job. I heard lots of comments all morning.

  • Stu did a great job with the talk. It was a difficult talk for him to do. In fact he changed up his topic after writing a good portion of the talk. He really felt like God was leading him to say what je ended up saying. It was powerful, challenging, and included the line..."in essence you are raping Jesus." It was a great talk and if you weren't there I encourage you to listen to it by clicking here.


  1. Very good summary of the day, Rob! It was an awesome day! Your Dad was super funny! I laughed out loud too! And the band is amazing! My husband does some good work up there! And that video he made was incredible too. If only people knew what went into making that! Haha! And the talk was intense! It was really good! I enjoyed the whoe service! It was a big day, I had 20 kids in my 4 year old WeeWorld class! Big day for sure! I love WEC! And do not forget lunch after church, you bumped into some pretty awesome people at Uno's! Haha!

  2. love the Sunday summary, Rob. this reminds me why I LOVE waters edge and sad for the days that I miss the service. The groundbreaking video is super creative and made me laugh! Hope things are going well getting ready for Thrift Store Prom!

  3. Meredith, you have a login name now! Very nice! I hope your vacay is going well! Enjoy it!


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