Saturday, August 2, 2008

Guest Blogger...Dillon Tulip

So I was a little hesitant to write this mainly because I've never wrote a blog before but I figured I would give it a try. So a couple of days ago one of my friends came over and we figured we would longboard (for those who don?t know the longboard I'm talking about is a longboard skateboard) over to the dare elementary area. We have done this a couple of times when we get bored. So on our way over there nothing really exciting happening so we decided to go over to our friend's house. When we get there we found out they weren't home and wouldn't be home for an hour, so we decided to go over to the Bargain Box to see if they had anything to do for an hour. We got bored of that in like 10 minutes so we just left and rode until our friend got home. So after we're done hanging out we start to head back to the house.

On our way home it seemed like there was no one on Dare road at all. But then a cop drives by us going the opposite way, so I gave the cop a head nod and she waves back. So like 1 minute later I turn around to see where my friend is and he is getting pulled over by the cop on his longboard, when I see this all going on I pull off into the Rite-Aid parking lot and wait. A couple minutes later he gets back on his board and starts riding again, so I get back on my board and start riding again to. I turned around again and the cop pulled off into the Rite-Aid parking lot and waited until he rode by again. I was laughing pretty hard when I saw this happening. After she was done talking to him he picked up his board and starting walking towards me, I asked him what happened and apparently it's illegal to skateboard in Yorktown?!?! Later on when we asked someone if this was real and he had no idea about this law, we came to a conclusion that the cop was just trying to catch us "riding dirty". So the moral of this whole story is not to ride down Dare rd. riding a longboard when there is no one on the street next to a cop.

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