Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mr. Wilson

I get up to go the YMCA to workout at 5:45 in the morning. I'm used to it being dark, and quiet. The last few weeks I have been greeted with a voice from somewhere close. This voice sometimes laughs, sometimes yells, sometimes says a sentence or two, but never says more than that. The first time I heard it I nearly screamed out loud because it startled me so bad.

On Monday I was greeted to an evil was loud! Last week when I was coming home I was greeted with one word statements like WHAT, NO, and WHY. After a few days of this I finally tracked down the mysterious voice. It's my new neighbor that lives behind me. I can't see her because all the houses in my neighborhood have large wooden fences in the backyard.

I think my neighbor is talking on the phone. I don't know why anyone would want to talk on the phone at 5:45 AM, but I think she does. Maybe she knows people in a different time zone and that is why she talks that early...or maybe she can see me and just likes to mess with me. Every time I hear her I think to myself "seriously?" I mean who talks on the phone at 5:45 in the morning? She has a loud phone voice and I'm just saying it scares me when all I hear is a loud voice coming at me. Why can't I get a neighbor like Mr. Wilson from Home Improvement?

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