Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bright Beginnings

Today the staff at WEC has the great privilege to help out the YMCA and their Bright Beginnings program. It's a great program! The idea is to supply disadvantaged children with new school supplies and clothes. It was started by a parent in Richmond VA. She came up with the idea after finishing her shopping with her kids. If your interested in helping out in the future contact your local YMCA. There are multiple ways to help. You can donate money - $150 sends one child on a shopping trip for two fall outfits, underwear, socks, shoes and a sweater or jacket. Another way to help out is to donate a back pack filled with school supplies. The third way to help out is to volunteer your time to go shopping with one of the kids. That's what I get to do this morning! I'm excited about taking a kid shopping. Maybe I'm naive because I've never done it before, but at this point I'm excited. I'm really excited about the fact that we are able to help these kids out. This is a great program!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is awesome! I loved hearing all about Philip's shopping trip with Ralph. So super cool!


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