Saturday, August 16, 2008

What do you think this is

Question: What do you think this is? Comment and let me know what you think.


  1. This is in fact cut hair from our vacuum cleaner. Our vacuum has been smelling like burnt cheese, or wet dog, or socks from middle school boys. It was gross. Last night Monica flipped it over and cut all this hair from the rotating part of the vacuum. Gross!

  2. Cut hair is exactly what it looks like buddy.

  3. It's Ben's hair...he sent it to you

  4. Dude, I've totallybeen looking for my "Toupee" could you bring that to the office for me? Thanks!


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.