Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Guest Blogger...Dan Peters

So recently a good friend from WEC underwent emergency surgery. He was doubled over in pain and crying in the hospital (or so I've heard, I don't go to hospitals unless someone is for sure dying, they make me queasy). He's a man's man. Works in construction and does extreme sports, not the kind of guy who cries over nothing.

His Appendix was going bad and they had to remove it. He's the second guy this year that I know of from WEC to have his appendix removed because it was going / had gone bad (ruptured). Not sure how long ago Jamey Menser (staff member of WEC) had his out, but he also doesn't have his. All these friends, losing organs... the only thing I can think of in common between them is Krispy Kreme donuts. This isn't scientific proof, but I still have mine and I prefer Dunkin Donuts... Next time you reach for the Krispy Kreme at WEC, you might want to think twice.

I'm just saying, do you still have your appendix, is a Krispy Kreme donut really worth the risk? Have you tried a Boston Creme donut from Dunkin Donuts?

Guest blogger on Robshep.com

Disclaimer: Neither Rob Shepherd, Robshep.com or WEC endorse this blog posting. DP does not own shares in Krispy Kreme, but has contemplated purchasing shares of Dunkin Donuts.


  1. DP is my hero! We'll fight this fight together DP! Too many good men losing their appendixes.

  2. Hey Dan, you are a hoot, when is your blog going up????

  3. Krispy Kreme is worth the risk!


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