Saturday, August 16, 2008


I have a hard time recruiting volunteers. It's not that there aren't people out their to volunteer their time, it's just that I have a difficult time asking. For some reason I have it lodged in my mind that in ministry the paid staff should do all of the work. I have a difficult time delegating anyway, but to ask a volunteer to do something is hard for me.

A few years ago I heard a talk from Andy Stanley about playing to your strengths. The basic idea is that every person is gifted to do something, but no one is gifted to do all things. When we don't ask for help we are robing others from using their gifts. I remember Andy saying that there is someone out there who loves doing what you hate to do. Find that person and then work on what you love doing.

This past Wednesday night we did a Thrift Store Prom (everyone buys an outfit from the thrift store and wears it to the prom. We had a DJ, played a game to decide King and Queen, ate dessert and hung out.) It was a Student event and it was AWESOME! Here's what made it so good...I didn't plan it. Tab Hodges (our pastor's wife) took the reigns and rock'd it. Her planning, creativity, and thriftiness amazes me. Our students loved the event! Planning stuff like this stresses me out because I am not gifted to do it. Tab on the other hand is very gifted to plan parties, wedding showers, Bar name it. I was reminded again at the Prom about the power of allowing others to use their gifts. Thanks Tab for all the hard work you did!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, TAB IS AWESOME! I love her! And I am dying to see pictures from the prom! I bet it was loads of fun! And I am all about delegation! Go you for letting Tab rock it out!


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