Tuesday, August 12, 2008

30 Days of Birthday

Gift 12: My 12th gift for 30 gifts in 30 Days for my 30th birthday was season one of the animated cartoon series Batman Beyond. It's from the same people who made Batman The Animated Series, Superman The Animated Series, and The Justice League of America. I never had a chance to watch this toon, so I'm pretty excited to check it out. I love receiving TV shows because it feels like you get your money's worth. It takes me forever to watch an entire series so it feels like it is worth the cost. Especially when you are patient and wait for the TV series to go on sale!


  1. Another nice gift, I am starting to wish that I got 30 gifts in the month of April when I turned 30! Oh well!

  2. Now Monica is setting the bar for birthday celebrations. You are truly a blessed man. I love your blog and I love the way you write. If you like, you can check out my blog at http://meema92.blogspot.com/
    You might find it amusing. Thanks for sharing yourself with us.

  3. Sweet! You get such amazing gifts...we need to inform my wife to get started on my 35 for 35 next week.

  4. that is amazing.. enjoy the glorious excellence of batman beyond


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