Monday, August 11, 2008

30 Days of Birthday

Gift 9: My 9th gift for 30 gifts in 30 days was the boxed set for the movies The Karate Kid. I personally love The Karate Kid. I don't care what anyone says the first movie is a classic. The second movie is a decent sequel and the third movie has it's moments, but overall it's not the best. I've been wanting this box set for a while, but the problem was that until recently they always sold it with the fourth Karate Kid which was titled the Next Karate Kid. That movie is awful. It stars Oscar winner Hillary Swank, before she won the golden statue. I would rank that movie up there with the worst sequels of all time. I'm talking Batman and Robin, Speed Two, Rocky V, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and Home Alone 3 - 16. Just awful. Anyway it was a great gift for me. Monica doesn't think she has seen The first Karate Kid, so I'm asking her nicely to watch it with me. It's not her type of film, but I did go see the Traveling Pants movie with her...she owes me.


  1. I love The Karate Kid! I have the boxed set too! Love it! Great gift!

  2. I remember sitting in the theater on base with about a thousand other girls, screaming my head off the whole movie...when it came out in Beta(!!!)my best friends and i watched it all summer...OVER sand OVER! :)

  3. Alright, alright. I'll watch the stinkin movie. I'll do my best to keep an open mind. By the way, I've seen the first one, but not the second or third (or fourth, but who cares).


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