Wednesday, August 6, 2008

30 Days of Birthday

Gift 6: The Office Season 1. If you know me you know that this show makes me laugh. It should make you laugh too. I don't know how Monica keeps coming up with this many great gifts for me. This is the best birthday ever and it's not even my birthday yet!


  1. ahhh the office season 1, watch it with the commentary...TOO FUNNY!!the most rocking: Diversity day :)

  2. yep...great gift, the office is the best...we had fun with ya at the beach! by the way 312 tonight was awesome...lots of students...the talk actually went well...peace.

  3. Heather...I will have to watch it with the commentary. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Matt...we had a blast with you and Amy. I'm glad 312 went well. Did you do the game?


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