Monday, August 4, 2008

Do what?

Imagine the scenario. You're at the Wal-Mart and you have just waited 20 minutes in one of only two lines available. It's hot outside and so you are wearing flip flops (or the inappropriately titled thongs for you feet). As you put your groceries in your car you feel something wet brush across your feet. You don't think anything about it until it happens again. At this point you think a dog is licking your feet. You bend down and look under your car when to your surprise it's not a dog licking your's a man baby. Seriously, a grown man. I just saw on Headline News a man licked a woman's foot as she put her groceries in her car at Wal-Mart. How sick is that?


  1. I really have no idea whether to believe you or not haha, because this sounds like a "Rob" story, but I'll look it up to confirm...


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