Sunday, August 3, 2008

Guest Bloggers...Courtney and Lindsey

Hanson Brothers vs. the Jonas Brothers…Think about It.

When Rob asked us to be guest speakers for his blog (a great honor I am told), we thought we’d take this opportunity to do something for the greater good. Because we have this opportunity, we thought we’d shed some light on the similarities between Hanson and Jonas, and hopefully gain some cool Hanson fans in the process.
1. The similarity that all members of the two bands are brothers is obvious. Only a trained fan, however, would notice that both bands have a sexy member, a goofy member, and a slightly less attractive member. Altogether, Hanson’s hottie quotient outweighs that of Jonas, at least for now.
2. Oprah has compared both of the bands to The Beatles.
3. Both have strong Christian roots and talk/have talked about it in the infancy of their careers. Jonas Bros.’ promise rings are always a hot topic. Hanson continues to do so, but Taylor’s pregnant girlfriend scandal in 2002 still makes headlines (at least in Courtney’s Hanson newsletter).
4. Both bands most likely use Pantene Pro-V products, and relatedly, have incredible and enviable hair.
5. Guys may publicly loathe them (take Kyle Hornsby for example as we were writing this), but secretly love their music or at least their effects on the ladies.
The Jonas Brothers, in our opinion, have a long way to go before they “outcool” Hanson. The Hanson brothers have ten albums under their belt, and continue to make girls cry/bellow at their concerts (although most that behave this way are likely of the unemployed variety). What’s cooler is that Hanson has invested a ton of money/time/effort in helping fight poverty and disease in Africa, and who doesn’t love that? Enjoy the new and improved Hanson, we’re sure you will!!
Courtney and Lindsey



  1. I'm almost ashamed to say it, but I kind of liked that song. I may like the grown up Hanson... It's hard though, they are still Hanson.

  2. ok i have to say the song was pretty

    i was a huge hanson fan back in the day though (hangs head in shame):)

  3. I can't say that I hated that. Nor could I tell which one was the dorky member. Hanson is all grown up and not so terrible. I will no longer make fun of you for liking them- unless you break into "mmm bop"

  4. I like Mmm bop and I'm not ashamed to say it.

  5. I am proud of my girls' blog! You blew the other guest bloggers out of the water with your humor and number of comments received. (Except for my blog, but let's be honest) I miss you both and can't wait to hang!

  6. But Rob, you should be ashamed. Very ashamed. I think you're great, but when you say things like that it makes it difficult to admit I'm your friend.


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