Monday, August 18, 2008

30 Days of Birthday

So if you have been keeping track 30 gifts for 30 days unofficially ended on the 12th gift. I didn't post about it but the 13th gift was a wicked awesome set of drinking glasses with the posters for the 4 Indiana Jones movies. Yes it includes the 4th movie and no I did not break the glass as soon as I saw it. I'm still a little bitter about that movie, and I probably will never drink out of that glass, but it is a part of the set.

Anyway here's what happened. I received a wicked awesome TV for my birthday and Monica and I decided that gift counts for more than 30. In fact everyday that I look at that TV it is a gift. Every time I watch a movie on the TV I receive a gift. Every get the point. So 30 gifts in 30 days officially ended on my 30th birthday. It was a great ride and it helped make this birthday the best birthday of my life! Pressure's on for Monica's birthday...dun dun duhhh.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think you got many AWESOME gifts! Enjoy your television! And you might think about inviting over the Poteats to watch something... we could eat Chicken dip and watch a cool movie! Haha!


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