Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Date night

Last night Monica and I had a date night. We went out to dinner and then to Barnes and Noble to pick up Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson. Mark is one of my favorite authors and bloggers!

We then made our way over to the Jonas Brothers Concert! It was AWESOME! Just joking about that one. I prefer my boy bands a little older and that is why I'm going with my wife to see the New Kids On the Block in September. Don't judge me...I'm going with the wife.

Anyway I highly recommend every couple have a regular date night. Monica and I get so busy that we don't have a lot of nights like last night. I love spending time with just her. It gives us a chance to connect, laugh, talk and fall more in love. A date night is essential, but it won't happen if you don't plan it.


  1. Hey we went to the Jonas Brothers Concert last nite it was awesome!!!We took our 2 boys Dean 10 and Joel 6. They did'nt seem to mind they were the only boys there. It was the loudest high pitched noises I've ever heard. Let me know if the New Kids are just as loud.

  2. I highly recommend date nights, especially with Rob. He is the best to go on dates with. He opens doors, is playful, and has a cute butt.

  3. Well, I LOVE going on dates with my husband. They are essential to staying connected with your mate! I always say... You had better be investing in and protecting your marriage... nobody else is! Nobody else in this world is making your marriage a top priority. So anyway, dates are awesome! I think we need to plan one soon!

  4. I couldn't agree more with the importance of date nights! Jonathan and I make this a priority in our marriage too. We take turns planning them. It's always nice to take a break from everything around us and just focus on each other.

  5. Rob, publicly admitting to liking Hanson (old Hanson), seeing the Jonas Brothers AND New Kids live? I judge based on actions Rob, I do judge.


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