Monday, August 4, 2008

7 Years

It's hard for me to imagine my life 7 years ago. It's not that I don't have's just that those memories don't include my wife Monica. Seriously, 7 years ago doesn't seem like that long, but I feel like I've known Monica my whole life. Technically I have known Monica for 9 years. One year of friendship (she loved me) and half a year of dating (she really loved me) and then our marriage began (I can't keep her hands off me). It's hard to put into words what Monica means to me. She is my best friend, the love of my life, and the greatest person I know. She makes me laugh. She puts up with my stupidity. She goes to Lakers games with me and watches super hero movies. She puts up with the other love of my blog. Monica doesn't nag me. She let's me be me, but at the same time I am always challenged to be a better person because of her.

The past two years I have watched her gracefully go through a miscarriage and a failed attempt to become pregnant with infertility treatment. I have seen other girls go through similar struggles and become bitter at life, but not Monica. Monica celebrates when others get pregnant. When asked if it is a struggle for her she talks about how much she loves being married. I have heard her say on more than one occasion that she is so thankful for our marriage that if that is all God ever gives her she will consider herself blessed. I don't deserve that kind of love.

Today is my 7th anniversary and I praise God for that. I can honestly say that I am more in love with Monica today then I was 7 years ago. I pray that I can love her the way that Jesus loves us...unconditionally, selflessly, and passionately. I seriously do pray that on a weekly basis. She makes it easy to love her and I can't wait to experience the rest of my life with her.


  1. Rob and Monica,
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I just happened to log on to your blog today.You guys both made me cry. You are such a sweet couple. I hope you have a great day together.
    Stacy Froyen

  2. happy anniversary.

  3. I love love love how you love each other!!! Happy Anniversary!!

  4. Thanks everyone for the comments. Monica and I are having a great anniversary!


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