Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spirit Week: Day 2

So this is Spirit Week at the Waters Edge office. Today's theme...potluck. To the untrained eye this doesn't seem like a very good theme for Spirit Week. Au contraire mon frere (that's French)...eating good food is a great way to boost spirit. It was fun seeing what everyone brought. It was even more fun hanging out with everyone and eating what they brought.


  1. I liked guessing what stain on Jamey's shirt matched which food.

  2. The food was great, the company even better. Save me one fo the those cookies for after weigh in tomorrow.

  3. Looks like you had fun! Thats one of my favorite parts of christmas, the food!!!

  4. Hey, about the oven, we had someone come in to check it out because we are renting our house here in WV, and didn't want to do any 'major' fixes on it. It ended up being the ignitor, and it cost about $60 for parts, and about $50 for labor/services. He did it in about 20 min. I tried it out last night on two different recipes, and it worked great. I'd try that before getting a new oven. Good luck!


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