Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spirit Week: Day 4

It's Spirit week at the Waters Edge office. Today's theme...July at Christmas. You've heard of Christmas in July so why not July at Christmas. To celebrate this great theme we were encouraged to wear summer attire. It's cold out side. The crazy thing is that while I was running errands not one person talked to me about how crazy it was to be in shorts and a t-shirt. I even saw two people wearing shorts at Chick-Fil-A. Maybe this Spirit Week thing is spreading?
On a sad note Meredith May (pictured to the far left) said goodbye to Waters Edge. Today was her last day as The Director of Preschoolers and Kids. It's sad for us but we are all excited about her new adventure in Nashville.


  1. way to document the week Rob! Thanks Jamey for getting it started!

  2. HAHA...That's awesome...July in Christmas...


  3. Did you change at work & run for your car to the office? It's gotta too cold for the summer look!

  4. John, I sported the summer look most of the day. I went to stores, worked, and even went out to lunch dressed for summer. I had a meeting at the end of the day so I changed then. But up until that was cold.

  5. It doesn't seem so strange to be wearing shorts in December down there. Even at it's coldest, your weather down there is so mild . . . and I miss it very much! I remember hanging Christmas lights outside one year in shorts and a t-shirt when I lived in Hampton.

  6. the grinch....

    we sent them to this link the day before...

    told them to download the form and call the parents as well

    scroll down to see the link


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