Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm sick

Sickness comes to robshep.com about once a year. This year it hit me the week of Christmas. Everybody I talk to has two reactions.

1. They back away because they don't want to catch the plague that I have.

2. They give me their special recipe that promises to cure my sickness.

I have heard everything from trying a nose spray, to eating away a cold. I'm wondering what do you do when you are sick?


  1. I usually just take the bare essentials as far as medicine... and then just tough it out. I hate feeling all doped up or medicated if I'm taking something for every little symptom. I'd rather just wrap up in blankets and sleep it off

  2. Hope you work through it today so that you can enjoy the holiday. The best cure for what ails you is a magic wand, I believe they sell these at 7-11 stores. However, due to the holidays, they may be sold out, in which case, you're out of luck. You will just have to suck it up, lay on the couch, and have your wife take care of your every need. Trust me, I am a doctor.

  3. I find standing in front of X-rays for 12-13 hours a day like the fine individuals at airport security is a great way to radiate the body...provided few cells for colds to latch on to...

    However, I don't believe I answered your question. I keep a pharmacy at my house in case it hits, and the MOMENT i think I'm getting something, I medicate.

  4. WEll speaking from personal experience this week you cough your head off Tell Jesus that it's okay to come now because you are pretty sure this is what Hell feels like, you go to the doctor twice, get cough medicine that makes you have crazy dreams and you pretend like your not sick and go back to work! Try it it worked for me.

  5. I feign sickness just to get extra attention from my wife ... so lap it up bro!

    And have a brilliant Christmas Rob

  6. Hope you feel better soon...i just deny that I am sick...i just don't believe in it...thanks for toughing it out today.

  7. Sorry to hear that you are sick Rob. I've been sick off and on since October and just can't kick it. I'm sick of being sick! I've had cough medicine, decongestants, antihistimenes, steroids, shots, breathing treatments and just can't get over it. Sure hope you don't get it as bad as I've had it.

    So excited about the Christmas Eve service. We are definitely planning on watching it this afternoon.

    Merry Christmas!


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