Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas WEC Staff Style

Last night was the Waters Edge Staff annual Christmas party. Each year the staff gather at Lead Pastor Stu's house. Monica and I look forward to this every year. This year we ate (Tab, the food was bangerrang ), told stories, and then played White Elephant. It was a good time!

Above: The party started off right. Soon after Monica and I arrived everyone smelt something burning. Was it the food? No. Pictured above...what was burning.

Pictured above: Monica and Meredith's legs, Carlyn, part of Jamey's face (what is he looking at?), Brian and Tara, and Tab.

Pictured above: It's dark but trust me it's...Phil and Bethany, Heidi and Bill.
Pictured above: Keren (close up), Mike's arm, part of Amanda's face, and Mike and Sara. I know the above pictures are not the best, but I didn't feel like moving from my seat to take better ones.
Monica made me move out of my seat to take a better photo. Pictured above: Carlyn, Meredith, and Monica.
Pictured above: Brian having some fun with the White Elephant gift he opened. Pictured below : Carlyn sporting her White Elephant gift proudly.
Carlyn is engaged to Jamey who is on staff at WEC. Carlyn just started a blog. Check it out by clicking on her name.


  1. I vote this must be Carlyn's blog picture!!! My pants are hot. Food was great. FLying balls of wrapping...priceless.

  2. Brian, they are some sweet pants. Glad to see you haven't changed since moving to the south.

  3. I loved the night! We had a great time!

  4. I love hanging out and working with you all! It is so much fun!
    Amanda :)

  5. John, it's from the movie Hook starring Robin Williams. They say it when something is great.

  6. OK ta Rob, I'll take your word for it!

  7. ok so I thought those fronts looked way better in person, but I fell overall my costume addition was better than Brian's lip Pants.


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