Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yippie Ki Yay Mr. Falcon?

Have you ever watched a movie that was edited for Television? It's great because they will sensor all the swears. Sometimes they will just silence the curse words. Other times they will do a voice over and replace the curse words with a similar phrase or word that is not as bad. And then there is TBS...TBS used to replace the curse words with words that don't make sense. Years ago my brother pointed this out to me with the movie Die Hard 2. After he showed it to me I laughed for a long time. Since Die Hard 1 and 2 are classic Christmas movies I thought I would share the joy of a clip from Die Hard 2 (the TBS version).

Who is Mr. Falcon? I don't know who that is, but TBS made me laugh hard with this edit.


  1. They try to come up with something that matches the mouth and lip movements. The strange thing here is that it sounds like someone is doing a bad Arnold (Terminator) impersonation. Kind of wacky isn't it.

  2. coincidence or tribute? Mr. Rupert "Stretch" Armstrong Falcon III was a network censor responsible for editing the dialogue of popular films when broadcast on television. He is famed for his remarkable ability to substitute an obscenity with a word that was offensive to nobody and always made absolutely perfect sense, and to imitate the voice of any actor with no less than 23% accuracy. Thanks wiki.

  3. Brian, that comment is amazing!


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