Monday, December 15, 2008


I have a statcounter on my blog. It shows me stats like how many people visit, what states and countries view the blog (Australia is the second leading country to read, and lets me know how long people visit. It doesn't tell me anyone's name. In fact the only way I truly know if someone read the blog is if they leave a comment.

Today on statcounter I saw that a boat load of people visit for zero seconds. I don't know how that is possible. I mean by the time the page loads it takes at least a second. I also saw that a huge amount of people read for an hour or more. That can't be correct???

I don't base a lot on stats but they can be helpful. They let you know the reality of how things are. It's easy to take stats in things like sports or blogs, but there aren't a lot of stats for real life. Sometimes I wish there was a statcounter for my life. It would show me what areas I need to work on. It would be great to see how many calories I consume vs. how many I burn off at the gym. It would be great to see how much time I spend investing in people vs. how much time I spend watching TV. It would probably be very convicting seeing the stats of my life. So the question for you is what type of stats of your life would you like to see?


  1. That is weird, zero seconds! Hmmm. I sometimes accidentally click robshep on my bookmarks on my Mac when I mean to click something else. Maybe that is part of the reason. Who knows!

  2. I would like to have a stat tracker for my students once they leave here. My first class is in the tenth grade now I think. I'd love to keep tabs on all of them.

  3. Perhaps a stat counter on how much time I waste doing things that don't matter, that only serve to aggravate me, or that bring me no happiness or fulfillment. I suspect that this might shock me into better use of the sand in my hour glass. BTW, nice job yesterday. Easily more than a single!

  4. A counter on my I spend it and how that lines up with my values

  5. I listened to your talk from yesterday (I think it was from yesterday) on podcast today. I really enjoyed it! Are you sure I'm the one who taught you that 3 Kings song?

  6. As a pastor I find the whole numbers thing tends to swing my mood too easily eg lots of $$ in offering = good feelings, low $$ = unhappy! And same with attendance & my bank account!

    So to be honest I'm happier when I'm not looking at the quantity but the quality side of life.

  7. i'd like to see a stat counter on how many cheesy gordita crunches i consume in a month vs how much of that is burned off playing frisbee every tuesday nite

    i also like your idea of a counter on time invested in others vs time spent watching tv (or on the computer, or reading comics)... it's sad, because i spend ALOT of time investing in others... and i still think the latter would trump that...

  8. Sarah, I'm positive. I knew most of the song, but you taught me the silent night part at the end. I remember that for sure.


Leaving a good comment = God's blessing on your children's children.

Leaving a bad comment = a curse that will cause all of your children to be born bald and naked.