Friday, December 19, 2008

How much?

When I'm hanging out with friends I like to play a little game that I call "How Much". Here's how to play:

Step one: come up with a question. The question should start with the statement how much would it take for you to _______.
Step two: Ask your friends the question.

Here are some sample questions.
  • How much money would it take for you to go to work in your bathing suit?
  • How much money would it take to legally change your name to You can keep your middle and last name but everyone has to call you They can't shorten it to rob.
  • How much money would it take for you to lick a public toilet seat?
  • How much money would it take for you to live in a tent for a year?

So how would you answer the above questions?


  1. I would lick a public toilet seat for 200,000. I would wear a bathing suit to work for a day for 5,000. I would probably not change my name to I want to be a principal when I grow up and parents wouldn't take me seriously if my name was I can't remember the other ones.

  2. Rob, when I was shopping the other day, there was a board game (I believe it was at Target) that was based on just this concept! You are so freakin' topical!

  3. O.K., now to the questions:
    1). Go to work in bathing suit: $10k
    2). Change my name: $10k
    3). Lick toilet seat: $10k
    4). Tent for a year: $11k
    But I will do all 4 for the low, low price of $36k (or three easy payments of $12k).

  4. Mon, thanks for playing along! That made my day.

    Daniel, you are funny. Is being topical a good thing?

  5. Depending on how cold it was outside would determine the price for the bathing suit, $1,000 if it's hot, a lot more if it's cold. I like my name so I think I'll keep it.
    Lick a toilet, umm, nope, don't think I colud do unless the money was right in front of me and I needed it for something. It would have to be a lot of money.
    Depending on where the tent was and how big, I could live in a tent for $25,000.

  6. Considering I have complete 2 out of 4 already thus far...1.6 million to change my name.

  7. Hmmm, I am with Monica except for the principal part. And I would need ALOT of money to live in a tent. I hate camping!


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