Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sometimes I'm invisible

Every once in a while I wonder if I'm invisible. When a car pulls out in front of me and I have to slam on my breaks, instead of getting mad I simply wonder if I'm invisible. When I'm at a restaurant and I'm really thirsty but my waiter won't refill my drink...I don't get mad I just wonder if I've turned invisible.

I'm about to leave work. I'm sitting at my desk wrapping things up and all of the sudden the lights get turned out and the door is locked. Right away I know it's not a practical joke. Why do I know that? It's because sometimes I'm invisible.

It made me laugh because my office is right next to the main door. You have to pass me to go out it. I'm now sitting in the dark blogging.


  1. I was on the phone in my office when the lights went out. When I finally wrapped up I just laughed. So I revel in our invisibility...good thing we work for the good guys, we could make a lot of money

  2. it wasn't me!!! Funny how the word I had to leave below to validate my comment was 'rutde' which looks an awful lot like 'rude.' Ha!

  3. Brian, you are hidden in a cave, not invisible! Rob, I am sorry that happened!
    I feel invisible sometimes too, not at the office, but anywhere. But sometimes I try to make myself invisible.

  4. Funny. I could just see you sitting there in the dark! Kind of a cool super power!

  5. I like to think that invisible people have it out for me.... so whenever I trip/stumble, I just blame those invisible miscreants and their devious inviso-tricks. I just hope Wonder Woman doesn't track me down with her invisible jet of justice....

  6. Kind of a melancholy entry here. Sometimes it is easy for us to fall into the trap of believing that we are not important, that the world would not miss us if we suddenly disappeared. You must never let these feelings gain any toehold in your heart or mind. Also I should think that if you disappeared suddenly, you would be fondly remembered as all of the WEC staff clawed and scratched to claim your office by the door.

  7. If you could transfer that invisble power to me I would like to use it when I am at work thanks.


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