Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chuck Norris vs. Macgyver

Chuck Norris has become a cultural icon. Sure his stats are bit exaggerated through online jokes, but the guy still bad to the bone.

The other day fellow staffer, blogger, and friend Brian Miller made the comment that Macgyver would take Chuck Norris. Now I like Macgyver and his ability to defuse a nuclear bomb with a pocket knife, toothpaste, and Duct Tape...but seriously? I told Brian he should post this to see what others would think. He didn't so I am. What do you think?


  1. Macgyver has a much cooler car. And my father in-law resembles him. I vote for Macgyver!

  2. YAY! I am not alone. While I know I will face the wrath of the round house...paper clip, pocket lint and grape jelly...Macgyver takes it with a massive explosion.

  3. I think that we need a definition of "take him". If by "take him" you mean drop some serious butt whomping down upon him, then I would have to vote for Norris. But if by "take him" you mean being more of a cultural icon, all around awesome-er, and Seasons 1 & 2 dvd's on my shelf then I vote for Macgyver. But then I recant, every now and then Mcgyver would reach deep down, palm his pocket knife, and release a powerful blow to an opponents face thus rendering him unconscious. It is from this perspective that I will vote for Mcgyver in both of my above mentioned categories of "take him"-dom.

  4. macgyver hands down. I watch many seasons of both Walker Texas Ranger and Macgyver and would have to say that although Norris has a sexy roundhouse, Macgyver would probably harness that energy to power a device to kill Norris. That is probably the only thing that can kill Chuck Norris, his own energy. Considering that when he does push ups he actually pushes the world down....

  5. how about this tasty-morsel-of-a-curveball..... Jack Bauer could take them BOTH down


  6. John, you can't be serious. Chuck Norris rules Australia.

  7. Yeah I was just kidding - a guy with teeth that white has gotta rule something eh?!?!

  8. you should totally sign it.

  9. I have to say in a straight up naked brawl in a room with no items, I think Chuck will destroy Macgyver. Macgyver is crafty though, so I think given any items, including clothing... he would probably win.

    I'm shocked that everyone is saying Macgyver.

    Although I love Jack, he would lose to either. He lost to only 2 militants in the season opener... that never would have happened to Chuck. With a gun Jack would take them because Macgyver doesn't use guns and Chuck would hesitate to pull the trigger on a patriot like Jack.

  10. I'm with you Dan! I'm shocked. People don't know Chuck. The question was not what show do you like better. Hands down Chuck would destroy Macgyver.


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