Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

They say that it is better to give then to receive...but I sure do like receiving! What was your favorite gift that you gave and your favorite that you received?

Merry Christmas


  1. the cruise was the best gift... i told the fam not to get me anything else... but yet I still received Heroes season 2, Scrubs season 2, and more movies & cd's! my collection is growing haha. what was your fave gift?

  2. We have only done our fam, so I am early in the process at this point...Reading a book I got on the UNC-DUKE rivalry...much fun.

  3. My fav was a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes!! I was good then but still recieved some other spectacular gifts. We gave the boys ipods and bikes. I always enjoy seeing the surprise on their faces Christmas morning.

    Mele Kalikimaka!

  4. A photo that Lindsey took of a bridge in Central Park & had it framed

  5. My favorite gift to give was the snow cone machine for my granddaughter -- she was overcome with delight about it. My favorite gift to receive was a handpainted ornament that had my dogs as puppies painted on it (extremely thoughtful). We had a great Christmas. I received so many things that I really liked, so I have many favorites, but you only asked for one.

  6. I surprised my sister with a photo book and she loved it. Her expression was great! My favorite so far is a digital photo album!

  7. Totally Cheesy but my favorite part about this Christmas was being in AMerica! Last year I was in China and it just wasn't the same.


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