Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Poll

What is the best Christmas movie ever? For me it's a toss up between Home Alone and Elf. You can decide what the best Christmas movie is by casting your vote in my newest poll. If you are reading this through a reader or by email subscription visit robshep.com to vote.


  1. Gremlins. Why does Gremlins not make your list?

  2. Omg national lampoons christmas "that there clark is an rv...don't go falling in love"

  3. In the Gonzales house, Elf is a year round movie. Anna watched it in June. When Elf burps, you can hear her laughing upstairs. I'm not a huge Elf fan but I love me some Elf! National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and The GRINCH take an honorable mention though. I laughed so hard I nearly peed when Cousin Eddie was emptying the rv toilets into the sewer. It might have been because Stu was laughing so hard, his face was purple.

  4. It's A Wonderful Life is my all time favorite Christmas movie. Christmas isn't the same unless you see it at least once. One Magic Christmas is a great movie, and deserves an honorable mention for me.


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